Save Time & Money with NEW Supa Pit Dry Solidifer by MetaFLO Technologies

Ditch Witch UK & Ireland are pleased to be able to exclusively offer Supa Pit Dry Solidifier - a liquid waste solidification reagent by MetaFLO technologies.
Dumping or disposing of liquid spoils, like drilling fluids, can be both time consuming and costly for any contractor. Supa Pit Dry Solidifier is a safe and reliable way of turning liquid spoils into a manageable solid, reducing risk and liability while improving on-site safety.
See an estimated 30 to 60% cost saving in your waste material disposal as you can decrease the number of trucks required to process the waste, as well as reduce the distance required to travel to the final disposal location. Plus, as the solidification reagent creates dry, stackable solids, the handling and transportation of your waste becomes much easier.
As well as improved efficiency on-site, Supa Pit Dry can help significantly reduce your environmental impact and carbon footprint by reducing the number of spoils transport vehicles on the jobsite. With a range of applications, including directional drilling and vacuum excavation, Supa Pit Dry is the perfect addition to any underground construction contractor's toolkit.
For more information, or to place an order, email or call +44(0)1792 895906.